Après son expulsion, après sa destruction, la solidarité s’organise pour reconstruire le centre social occupé Can Vies à Barcelone !
Pour ceux qui n’avaient pas suivi la lutte qui a eu lieu à l’occasion de l’expulsion et de la destruction de Can Vies, centre social autogéré historique de Barcelone, lire : Barcelone brule ! CAN VIES NO ES TOCA !
For over a week, thousands protested the eviction and partial destruction of the Can Vies Self-managed Social Centre in Barcelona, in the Centre’s neighbourhood of Sants, but also throughout the city and the country ; an extraordinary testimony to the potential radical political life of okupied social centres. Never simply the spaces that they physically occupy, they are the collective that self-manages them and the relations woven between the collective and broader communities, in an anti-capitalist politics. Judgements of success or failure are precarious here, but the solidarity, resistance and creativity around the CSA Can Vies reveals that the Centre did far more than simply provide an alternative space for those involved in the squat (something that always brings with it the risk of either ghettoisation or cooptation) ; it became over its 17 years a point of passage in a rich network of relations opposed to the capitalist urbanisation of Barcelona. It contributed to shaping that opposition, to creating the subjectivities and social relations nurtured within it, such that it will survive its physical removal.
Note de l’équipe de Rebellyon : Nous relayons ici l’information en anglais, faute de textes récents en français sur cette lutte, si vous vous en sentez le courage, vos traductions sont les bienvenues en complément d’info.
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